Propety Mangaement With Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

Smart property managers are beginning to utilize mobile technology in order to attract residents and be able to build stronger overall relationships. It is not simply about connecting with first time prospects anymore.

There have been a lot of unique mobile technology advancements that have made it possible to really engage and connect with prospective and current residents even after the move in date passes. Below we will discuss some of the ways in which property management with mobile technology is changing.

Property Management With Mobile Technology:

1. Mobile Payment Options.

One of the biggest advancements that has come to the mobile space is the ability to offer tenants a way to pay through their mobile devices. By being able to accept mobile payments, you should be able to increase the amount of tenants that pay on time and decrease the amount of tenants that you have to track down to get to pay. This is a great addition because it offers a convenient and easy way for tenants to pay.

2. Secure Mobile Lease Applications.

Another great way to utilize mobile technology to increase your efficiency is by offering the ability to secure lease applications via mobile. This is another feature that would offer your prospect a ton of convenience.

3. Maintenance Request via Text.

Another excellent way to incorporate mobile technology into property management and increase overall efficiency is by allowing your tenants to request maintenance service via text. By doing this, you should be able to increase the tenant satisfaction rates and this will also help increase the amount of tenant retention that you experience.

Every property manager should want to hear that. Keeping a tenant filling your space can keep money in your pockets.

4. Alert System.

Another great way to reduce operational costs as a property manager is by using a text messaging based system that will alert your tenants to different notices and activities that are going to be going on. For example, if you have to work on the water line, you could simply let your tenants know that they can expect to be missing water during certain periods of the day. This will keep your tenants informed on time and it will also keep them from calling you wondering what is happening with their water.

5. Access To Property Resources.

You can also use the mobile technology to offer your users the ability to have access to all of the property resources.

6. Integrate Mobile With Social Media.

By allowing the integration of mobile with social media, you should be able to better and more effectively prospect your leases and/or vacant properties. Also, you should be able to retain more tenants by offering better overall service and communication.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways in which mobile technology can enhance your effectiveness as a property manager. Your mission should be to reduce inefficiencies in your management process and mobile technology can do just that.

Property Management With Mobile Technology